Generative Salesforce AI

Dive into the era of instant Salesforce organziation creation. Turn client needs into fully configurable Salesforce instances in seconds, paving the way for smarter and faster project launches.

Automate Your Salesforce Setup with Strom

Revolutionize your sales process with seamless call transcription, instant Salesforce setups, and tailored suggestions, ensuring efficiency, alignment, and unparalleled client satisfaction

Meeting Transcription & Summary

Effortlessly transcribe and summarize sales calls, enabling quick understanding of client needs and proposal of optimal solutions, saving significant time and streamlining the sales process

Reports - GPT X Webflow Template

Automated transcription

Smart Labels - GPT X Webflow Template

analyzed in key areas

Automatic Visualization

Instantly preview dashboards and components, empowering clients with clear visualizations of potential outcomes before development, saving time, and ensuring alignment with expectations

Sentiment Analysis - GPT X Webflow Template

Instant preview

Update - GPT X Webflow Template

Adjustable individually

Hear what is said about us

“Strom revolutionized our project kickoff process. What used to take days now happens in hours!”

Vincent S.,
Cloud Consulting 24

“Our clients are amazed at how quickly we can present a working Salesforce draft, all thanks to Strom.”

Heiner P.,

“Thanks to Strom, our client meetings are more productive. We jump straight to solution design, knowing the transcription and draft setup are in good hands.”

Miriam S.,
Blue Chameleon

“Strom’s AI-driven approach has not only saved us time but also significantly improved our project accuracy.”

Ralf K.,

“Accuracy and speed in one package – Strom has changed the game for us in Salesforce integration.”

Wolfgang P.,

“With Strom, our team can focus more on creative solutions rather than getting bogged down by the details of initial setup.”

Henning H.,